Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Botanical Painting Workshops «»

Winter 2013
Saturday &  Sunday
February 9 ‐ 10, Bend, OR

President’s Weekend
Special ‐ 3 Day Workshop
February 16 ‐ 18, Portland, OR

For Beginners ‐
Introduction to Materials Required
Observation of Botanical Specimens
Drawing Skills including making an object 3D on 2D paper
Ten Steps to Creating a Botanical Painting
1. Deciding on the Subject
2. Creating the Drawing
3. Value Study
4. Transferring image
5. Tea Stage
6. Building Shape
7. Creating Overlap
8. Creating Transition
9. Filling in the Details
10. Considering Atmosphere
For Returning Students ‐ work through the specifics of
the challenges in your current work, or concentrate on
specific skills.
Materials will be provided.

Cost: $120 for the 2
day workshop
$170 for 3 day

To register or find out more
call Jeanne (541) 383‐3927
or email at

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