Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Interpreting the Landscape – Through the Eyes of Birds

September 22 and 23, 2012
Tryon Creek State Natural Area
11321 SW Terwilliger Blvd. Portland, Oregon

  • Please note we will need a RSVP for this weekend’s attendance since there is limited space in the Nature Center classroom. Please reply to Kris Kirkeby by Sept. 10.
  • For more information on this weekend’s activities contact her at k2kirk@comcast.net

Day 1 - Saturday Barbara Gleason will do a mini-workshop that will involve examining museum mounted bird specimen and learning how knowledge of plumage and feather tracts help us to better depict birds in illustrations.
Later in the afternoon Rebecca Brown-Thompson will present a mini-workshop on Sign Interpretation Principles in preparation for day 2.

Day 2 – Sunday Rebecca will start us off with a quick discussion on field sketching, suggested tools and methods for field sketching, specifically plants but will be applicable to other subject matter.
Forming groups we’ll spend the greater portion of the day doing rough field sketches for our interpretive signage in the Tryon Creek Natural Area, focusing on the weekend’s theme and areas of interest we identified the day before. Consideration of sign placement and content will be important aspects as well.

Late afternoon we will gather again and assemble our sketches as a group and discuss our design and subject matter choices.

A special thanks goes out to David Cohen, Executive Director of Friends of Tryon Creek for co-sponsoring this event. We would like each attendee make a $5.00 donation for this organization.

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