Thursday, June 21, 2012

Pollinator Week is June 18-24, 2012!

Pollinator Week was initiated and is managed by the Pollinator Partnership.

Five years ago the U.S. Senate’s unanimous approval and designation of the final week in June as “National Pollinator Week” marked a necessary step toward addressing the urgent issue of declining pollinator populations.  Pollinator Week has now grown to be an international celebration of the valuable ecosystem services provided by bees, birds, butterflies, bats and beetles. The growing concern for pollinators is a sign of progress, but it is vital that we continue to maximize our collective effort.  The U.S. Secretary of Agriculture signs the proclamation every year. 

As a personal lover of bees, and for all you who draw birds, butterflies, bats, beetles and, of course, botanical illustrators, this may be of interest to you.
Here's another link of possible interest: 

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