Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Newport Weekend Summary

The GNSI Oregon group met at the Visual Arts Center in Newport. It was a beautiful setting with many large windows looking down onto the beach. We started with a general business meeting including a survey – querying members about future meetings and what content people might like to explore. Joann Carrabbio was a really fun person to have for the watercolor workshop (painting clouds and water), and she went far beyond what we all expected as far as time, materials, and instruction – generously sharing her knowledge. She has a nice and engaging teaching style. The weekend wouldn't have been nearly as rich without her workshop. We dined at the local microbrewery – Rogue Brewery – actually we dined in both Rogue Pubs in Newport – since we were a bit unclear about directions! We reconvened the next morning at the Hatfield Marine Science Center of Oregon State University with our tour host - Michael Lui - for a behind-the-scenes tour of their critter tanks that included the Giant Pacific Octopus who was in-training (actually quarantined) before his stage debut in the public tank. We ended our weekend program by touring the Center and some attendees continued on to the Oregon Coast Aquarium while some headed to the sunny beaches!

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