Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Fall Retreat – Tryon Creek, Portland, Oregon

Focus:  Interpreting the Landscape - Through the Eyes of Birds

Date:  Sept 22 & 23
Where:  Tryon Creek, Portland, OR www.tryonfriends.org
Focus:  Interpreting the Landscape – Through the Eyes of Birds

Overview:  Study the unique landscape through the viewpoint of birds.  Day 1: Presentations and mini-workshops on general bird anatomy and drawing specifications (taxidermy and museum mounts of birds will be provided) and hints for working in the field. Day 2: Short intro on preparing interpretive sign approaches and then field sketching of bird habitats with an emphasis on native plants and bird needs for nesting, and food sources. Hopefully we’ll get some direct observation and sketching of birds at Tryon Creek. Dividing into groups we’ll sketch the various habitat types and work on a rough draft of interpretive signs for those areas.
More information coming soon!
For more information please contact Kris Kirkeby at k2kirk@comcast.net or call her at 541-349-2439 (Eugene, OR).

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Art Festival

GNSI Oregon Group member, Alice Hill, will be selling her artwork and her husband, Dale, will be selling his bee hives at the upcoming Art Festival next to Beaverton Saturday Market on July 14 and again on August 18 from 8am - 1:30pm. Artists and performers will present their work to benefit counseling and education in Tanzania, Africa.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

"The Art of Science"

Opening Night - Art Fusion

Congratulations to all for a highly successful exhibit! Kudos!!!

Sunday, July 1, 2012



THIS Friday, July 6th, 6-9pm
Bush Barn Art Center
600 Mission St., SE
Salem, OR
Salem Art Association

Hope to see you there!